
Rant, rant... Rips, rips...

Since nobody looks at this diary anyway.

Jesus fuck. The copying just keeps going on and on and on. No matter what I do to try to make MY art stand out, THEY have to copy... just to see if they can do it better. What the fuck? How lame is that, huh!?

It's also annoying when people take my words, take things I've said... and totally mix them up. Put more emphasis on some things... Bring up things that don't even fuckin' matter!

I have soo many characters that are rips... Like Mook. He's a rip of a little red imp-like creature...

((Fixed... Mistakes were made on two people's parts and apologies were said and all... I don't believe V is a rip at all and neither does Nie... this is totally about something else...))

OH and... TAYLOR is a rip of FLOURE... Even though Floure is a recent creation... Hummm... And Taylor has been around since 2005, counting the time she was my persona and not a character alone.

YES, Taylor was based off of me. That's wrong? But... wait... Aren't a lot of characters based off of her? Or, hell, just their creators in general?

Artymis is... WAIT, WAIT... NO... NOVA is a rip of ARTYMIS... Surprise, surprise. And this was admitted.

There is so much more, but those are the latest things on my mind.

People, I KNOW I don't OWN these things... I don't OWN any specific element of art... My problem is with the fact that these things don't pop up with her art until I have done them. It is annoying. It is lame and it is pathetic.

Do your OWN shit, guys!

Ohhh my god.

How much do you wanna bet that some of these words get taken out of context?

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