
Taylor Joe Sittledee

Full name of Character: Taylor Joe Sittledee
Reason, meaning or purpose behind the name: “Taylor” was her mother’s name, “Joe” is her father’s middle name and “Sittledee” is SOMETHING YOU CAN’T KNOW JUST YET!
Nickname: Tay, Tay-Tay
Reason for nickname: Short?
Race: Human
Occupation/class: Petshop Sittledee
Age: 17

How old they appear: Except for the fact that she has mighty BOOBS, she looks a lot like a child.
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair color length and style: Short, flippy, fluffy, swoopy, out there, cute
Height: 4’10”
Type of body (build): Tiny, extremely curvy, short

Predominant feature(s): Her bright, yellow eyes
FavoritesCharacter's favorite color: Turquoise/aqua/green-blue

Music? Dance, upbeat, happy tunes
Least favorite music, why? The dirty songs D:
Food: Sweet stuff
Drinks: Lemonade, Sprite

Literature: Fantasy, mystery, “scary stories”
Hobbies: Dancing, cooking for guests, giving out random hugs, making people smiiiiile

Are they a daredevil or cautious?: It really depends on her mood or how she’s “feeling” about the situation.
Do they act the same alone as when with someone? No. Taylor hates being alone very much.
Habits: “BAD” ONES… Bad habit of inviting new friends/COMPLETE STRANGERS to her house… Too trustworthy?
Greatest Strength: She isn’t easy to break.
Greatest Weakness: A sad or grumpy face…
Soft spot: Animals
Is their soft spot obvious, why/why not: She works at a petshop.

Type of childhood: Slightly abused by her step-mother, but she kept a chin up and was generally happy besides that, her father made sure of it… Though she would have been completely content if her father knew about his wife’s actions and if she had been able meet her “real” mother and not have to live off of ONE memory..
First memory: Warm, comforting arms holding her and a sweet smell surrounding her
Most important childhood event that still effects him/her: Her step-mother abusing her as a child- it doesn’t really have a ‘bad’ effect on her… It’s made her want to see no one upset.
FamilyMother/Father: Taylor Bard, Caleb Sittledee

Siblings, How many, relationship with each: Calvin Sittledee…They’re very close.

Most at ease when: she knows everything is alright with her closest friends.
Most ill at ease when: Someone is angry with her…a friend is unhappy…
Priorities: Happiness!
Philosophies: “Don’t worry; be happy.”
How they feel about themselves: “I’m okay, I guess.” *smile*
Why? She isn’t unhappy with herself, but she doesn’t worry that much about HERSELF at all.
If granted one wish what would it be, why? She wouldn’t know what to wish for… and, no, it would not be “world peace”.

Optimist or pessimist? Why? Optimist; everything will turn out fine!
Introvert or extrovert? Why? Extrovert, for the most part.
Drives and motives: Life, it being a new day.
Talents: Brightening someone’s day
Good characteristics: Trustworthy, loyal, honest, happy disposition, sweet, smart
Character flaws: Too naïve at times, too trusting…
Biggest accomplishment: Leaving her step-mother’s home and going out on her own

How do they react in a crisis: It depends… She either gets extremely flustered or thinks right on her feet and settles the problem quickly.
How do they face problems: Either way it’s head-on most of the time

Favorite clothing, why: Plain tee, skirt over rolled up jeans, cons…because she feels like it’s “just her”!
Where do they live: Opposite side of her father’s city
Where do they want to live: Right where she is
Person they are most influenced by, why: Twist…Twist isn’t one to be walked on and she’s gradually having a bigger and bigger effect on Taylor in that area.

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